Femur Shaft Fracture: Treatment, Recovery, and Complications

Fractures of the femoral shaft are high-energy injuries that are associated with a significant traumatic event such as vehicle accidents, falls from heights, etc. Most of the femoral shaft fractures require surgery to heal. However, young children are treated with a cast. You need to contact a reputed supplier of external fixators who can provide you with all the right kinds of fixators that you require to fix your bones.

  • External fixationMetal pins or screws are used in the case of external fixation as they are placed around the fracture site in the bone. These are supplied by the interlocking nail supplier, and these pins and screws are attached to the bar outside the skin. It is usually a temporary treatment for femur fractures because they are easily applied when the patient has multiple injuries. In some cases, the external fixator is left until the femur is fully healed
  • Intramedullary nailingThis method is used by most of the surgeons for treating femoral shaft fractures. And during the procedure, a specially designed metal rod is inserted into the canal of the femur. Intramedullary nails are usually made of titanium, and they come in various lengths and diameters to fit in femur bones

  • Complete healing can take anywhere from 3 months to 6 months. But some patients take a long time especially if the fracture was open or if the patient uses tobacco products.
  • The physician often prescribes medications for short-term pain relief after the surgery. Some of the medications may have side effects that can impact your ability to do other activities. So, consult your physician about the side effects.


There are some of the complications associated with the surgery. Some of them are

  • Nerve injury and injury of blood vessels
  • Blood clotting
  • Fat embolism which can also happen from fracture itself and not because of the surgery
  • Malalignment or the inability to position the broken bone fragments correctly
  • Delayed union which means the fracture heals slower than usual or not heal at all
  • Hardware irritation which can sometimes happen at the end of the nail or the screw. This can cause irritation because of the overlying muscles and tendons

Most of the femur fractures are fixed within 24 to 48 hours, while some of the cases will be delayed, and others can be life-threatening. Therefore, to reduce the risk of the infection, these fractures need to be treated with orthopedic surgical instruments.


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3 Types of Humerus Fracture-Everyone Needs to Know

The long bones in our upper arms are called the Humerus. This bone extends from our shoulders to the elbows where they join with two other bones in the forearm called Ulna and Radius. Fractures in the Humerus are pretty common among people. Take a look at how many types of fractures can happen in the Humerus bone and how long each takes to heal. Bone locking screw suppliers are often helpful for treatment.

Types of Fractures in the Humerus

There are three types of Humerus fractures depending on the location of its breakage:

  • Proximal Humerus fracture which is the breaking of the upper part of the bone, close to the shoulders.
  • A break anywhere near the middle part of the Humerus bone is called a mid-shaft.
  • Breaking of a bone near the elbow, due to an injury resonating into the bone is called the distal type of fracture. It may involve loose fragments of the bone.
Causes of Fractures in Humerus

A fracture can be a result of any hard hit or blow to the upper arm, but some kinds of blows lead to certain types of fractures. For example, you encounter a fall while your arm is outstretched, which leads to a mid-shaft or proximal kind of fracture. A more powerful impact like an accident can cause the distal type of fracture. Fractures in the Humerus can also be pathological due to some conditions (like osteoporosis, bone cancer, cysts, tumours or infection) that weaken the bones and make people more susceptible to serious injuries that result from pretty low impacts.

Treatment of the Fractures

Treatment of Humerus fractures depends upon the type of fracture that’s occurred. The doctor usually takes out an X-ray of the arm to find out the kind of fracture and whether there are loose fragments or not.

Generally, the mid-shaft and proximal types don’t require surgery because the bone remains close together, making it easier for the bone to heal by itself over a while. The only thing you need to do is wear a splint or sling over your arm for a certain time to help stabilize the bone and avoid jerks in the shoulder region. Very seldom, there’s need for a surgery that requires screws, plates or rods, or even prosthesis if the shoulder joint is replaced. Surgeries are usually required in distal fractures and some severe cases of the former two. They are done with either, pin and screws, or bone grafting. Pins, plates, screws and other orthopedic implants and instruments are used to keep the broken pieces of the bone in place in case of an open surgery where part of the bone is sticking out of your arm. Grafting is used if part of the bone is lost or has been poorly crushed. The surgeon uses a piece of another bone (from some other part of the patient’s or donor’s body) to piece together the Humerus. Orthopedic locking plate suppliers are a great help with these processes.

Physical therapy should be an essential follow-up for all patients with a Humerus fracture, whether they have encountered surgery or not. It helps strengthen arm muscles and gain fluidity of motion through exercises and movements.


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General Guidelines of Locking Compression Plates (LCP) that Must be Followed

A locking compression plate or LCP is an implant which allows both conventional placements of screw using non-locking kind of screws, as well as, locking placement of screw which predetermines the angle at which the screw lock into the plate. Check out these guidelines of locking compression plates (LCP) that you need to follow:

  • Indirect methods are used to reduce the fracture first, whenever it is possible.
  • Detractors or external fixators are then used to maintain the reduction. Suppliers of external fixators provide this equipment.
  • Being used with standard screws, the implant might also be used as an aid for reduction, given that the plate is anatomically pre-shaped or contoured well enough.
  • The right kind of contouring has to be performed to utilize the LCP’s compression purposes; then, axial compression can be performed using standard orthopedic bone screws inside the dynamic unit of compression of combination holes. The asymmetry of the combination holes makes sure the dynamic compression of the axiom is exerted in one direction. LHS can be inserted further when the axial compression has been exerted with standard screws.
  • Application of inter-fragmentary compression is often desired by patients in oblique fractures or spirals, which should be accomplished using standard screws first.
  • A guide that’s used for universal drill guides the insertion of standard screws. The holes for the screws are neutrally or eccentrically pre-drilled, depending on what function it’s going to perform. A suitable screw is inserted after measuring and tapping the depth of holes.
  • If contouring of the plate is needed, it has to be done using bending instruments that are suitable for the job. Deformation can be caused in LHS if bending is done through the holes instead of between them. This can be prevented by inserting a drill sleeve that is threaded or an LHS into the part of the combination hole that’s threaded.
  • A removable spacer can be screwed in before insertion of the plate to ensure a gap of approximately 2 millimeters between the LCP and the cortex underneath. This minimizes plate-bone contact which preserves periosteal circulation.
  • Incisions are made in the skin in accordance with the ends of the LCPs.
  • An extra-periosteal and sub-muscular tunnel are created for the bone plate using a tunneler that is passed inside the tunnel. When a tunneler is used, the plate’s end is tied to the tunneler’s suture. The bone plate pulls to its position with the withdrawal of the tunneler. There are other ways for this process too. Bone locking plates suppliers are providers of these materials too.
  • This is followed by the insertion of the screw into the bone. Make sure that the plate is stabilized at one end with a K-wire, standard screw, threaded LCP guide for drill or an unlocked LHS if the beginning insertion is an unlocked LHS. This is to prevent damage caused to the soft tissues due to the rotation of the plates. Insertion of the rest plates is also done if the first one is satisfactory.
  • For the insertion of a self-tapping LHS, a threaded LC plate drill guide is introduced first into the skin via a stab incision. The threaded portion of the hole is then screwed.
  • If the bone quality is good and the cortex strong, pre-drilling measurement is not essential, as is the depth, if a self-tapping and self-drilling LHS is utilized monocortically. Periprosthetic fracture is also used in the monocortical fixation of screws.


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A Brief Overview of Intramedullary Nailing

The surgery to fix or repair broken bones, to keep it stable, is intramedullary nailing. In the center of the broken bone, a nail or a rod is placed so that the patient can put weight on it and be stable. Broken hips, thing, shin and upper arms are the most common fixes of this procedure. Intramedullary nailing is a standard procedure for long-bone fracture fixation. Selected metaphyseal fractures and most long-bone diaphyseal fractures require intramedullary nail to provide stability to the fractured part.

The intramedullary implantations are remotely introduced to the fractured site, which shares the same bending, compressive, and torsional loads of bony structures of the surroundings. Intramedullary implants allow the secondary fracture to heal as it functions as internal splints.

Preparing for the surgery

Like any other surgical procedure, you do not have permission to eat or drink anything. The doctor prescribes specific medication before the surgery, depending on the blood report of the patient. The patient is also given antibacterial medications through the IV to prevent any bacterial infections before or after the surgery.

During the surgery

Firstly, depending on the extent of your injury, you are likely put under local or general anesthesia. It is most likely that general anesthesia is more apt for such surgeries as it requires quite some time, so the patient is asleep throughout. The patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. To block the nerves near the fracture site, you may also get pain medications. Numbing medicine also finds its use when there is a severe case of fracture of the bone leg. It is directly injected into the spine. You may be awake if it is a spinal injection, but you will not feel any pain.

The doctors ensure to get the best intramedullary implants from the best interlocking nail supplier and the orthopedic locking screw supplier so that there are no chances of any infections due to the implants. High-quality implants add to the success of any intramedullary nailing procedures. Small incisions through the skin allow the surgeon to reach the fractured site. With the help of a wire, the nail is introduced to the hollow center of the bone after aligning the broken ends of the bone. The pins keep the bones in line, and the locking screws hold the nails in place, at both the ends. Stitches or staples close the incisions.

After the surgery

If you have an operation in the leg, your leg will be numb for the next six to twelve hours. In case of surgeries related to the hip, it is best to call in the best total hip prosthesis supplier, for a fast, safe and smooth recovery and movability.

Whether you have a hip replacement or a leg or an arm operation, you must follow the instructions strictly as per the guidance of your doctor. Regular breathing exercises and movement are necessary for the implants to adjust to your body. A physiotherapist also helps individuals to recover from intramedullary nailing procedures by advising on activities, which keep the joints flexible and strengthen the muscles.


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Risk Factors And Potential Complications Of Spine Surgery

Be it a major surgery or some minor microscopic surgical procedure; every operation has its own set of complications, and not even the best doctor of the planet can claim that any of the surgeries do not have risks and complications. But, fortunately, and thanking the wonders of science and medicine, for several patients, the risks of even the most complicated surgical procedures such as spine surgery is very rare. In the past two decades, due to the advancements in surgical procedures and diagnostics, more and more patients today are the appropriate candidates for spine surgery, and there is a significant rise in the number of performed procedures. However, medical experts also understand the complications that may rarely rise and potentially reduce the success in long and short terms, equally.

Complications with your Anesthesia

Major surgical procedures require the patient to be under anesthesia so that the patient does not feel anything or be aware of anything that is happening during the process. General anesthesia is the most complex form of Anesthesia and the patient is entirely under sleep during the entire procedure. During a complicated surgery as spine surgery, the best anesthesiologist monitors the breathing and the other vital stats of the patient very carefully. Complications arise due to reactions with other medications consumed pre-surgery or due to the medicines used during the procedure. But, with the best doctors at play, they have every different surgical tool and medication available by their side, if any complication may arise.

Fracture of the Hardware

There are various types of spinal procedures today, and depending on the patient’s need, the doctor may suggest one, to relieve the patient of their constant pain, agony and to improve the daily quality of their lives. These different types of Spinal procedures require different types of orthopedic implants and instruments and orthopedic bone screws. Plates and rods also find their use to hold the vertebrae in alignment while the patient is recovering from the surgery. The metal devices used in the surgical procedure is known as ‘hardware’. Gradually as the bones start healing, these metal placements do not have much of a role to play. But, before the patient recovers from the surgery, the metal implant may break or move away from the correct position. The malfunctioning or movement of the metal implants is known as Hardware Fracture. The breaking of the implants is usually sorted by ordering the best metal implants from the best and reputable spine implant suppliers. And, if the patient sticks to the guidelines and the restrictions of the doctor, the moving of the metal implant is also easily avoidable.

Complications due to blood

The body’s clotting mechanism becomes hyperactive during any surgical procedure, as the body is trying to stop the bleeding by default. These clots usually develop in the veins of the legs, and the risks are generally higher when operating on the lower extremities of the body. But, again, the doctors are aware of the complications that may arise and take all the necessary precautions to avoid every difficulty.

Apart from these significant complications which may arise during spine surgery, the medical experts take necessary precautions for every other complication which may occur during the procedure.


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