Cervical Radiculopathy Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Cervical Radiculopathy is a condition in which the nerve in the neck which is called cervical spine is damaged or causing pain. The doctor generally calls this condition Cervical Radiculopathy. The nerves in the spine leave the spinal section through .....

Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion – The Best Treatment for Disc Problems
In Anterior lumbar interbody fusion, a bone graft is placed in the free space through an incision through the belly. The disc is removed through the incision, and graft is used to substitute for the height. Upon healing, this becomes a consolidated p .....

Different types of bone grafts in Spine surgery
Bone grafting is a medical or specifically a surgical procedure that is used to fix deformities or disparities caused to bones and joints. Some severe accidents and high impact injuries leave victims’ bones damaged severely so that a bone graf .....

Knee Arthroscopy- A surgical procedure for knee joint
Knee arthroscopy is a medical procedure that is carried out on patients suffering from knee joint problems. Unlike the major open surgeries, this method is proceeded by the help of exceedingly small incisions made on the required body part. A tiny ca .....

Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion-Surgery For Chronic Neck Pain
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is a surgery done to remove a degenerative or herniated disc from the neck. It is a surgery that helps to reduce or eliminate chronic pain in the neck and back due to problems with the discs. The surgery .....

Femur Shaft Fracture: Treatment, Recovery, and Complications
Fractures of the femoral shaft are high-energy injuries that are associated with a significant traumatic event such as vehicle accidents, falls from heights, etc. Most of the femoral shaft fractures require surgery to heal. However, young children ar .....

3 Types of Humerus Fracture-Everyone Needs to Know
The long bones in our upper arms are called the Humerus. This bone extends from our shoulders to the elbows where they join with two other bones in the forearm called Ulna and Radius. Fractures in the Humerus are pretty common among people. Take a lo .....

General Guidelines of Locking Compression Plates (LCP) that Must be Followed
A locking compression plate or LCP is an implant which allows both conventional placements of screw using non-locking kind of screws, as well as, locking placement of screw which predetermines the angle at which the screw lock into the plate. Check o .....

A Brief Overview of Intramedullary Nailing
The surgery to fix or repair broken bones, to keep it stable, is intramedullary nailing. In the center of the broken bone, a nail or a rod is placed so that the patient can put weight on it and be stable. Broken hips, thing, shin and upper arms are t .....