3 Types of Humerus Fracture-Everyone Needs to Know

The long bones in our upper arms are called the Humerus. This bone extends from our shoulders to the elbows where they join with two other bones in the forearm called Ulna and Radius. Fractures in the Humerus are pretty common among people. Take a look at how many types of fractures can happen in the Humerus bone and how long each takes to heal. Bone locking screw suppliers are often helpful for treatment.
Types of Fractures in the Humerus
There are three types of Humerus fractures depending on the location of its breakage:
- Proximal Humerus fracture which is the breaking of the upper part of the bone, close to the shoulders.
- A break anywhere near the middle part of the Humerus bone is called a mid-shaft.
- Breaking of a bone near the elbow, due to an injury resonating into the bone is called the distal type of fracture. It may involve loose fragments of the bone.
Causes of Fractures in Humerus
A fracture can be a result of any hard hit or blow to the upper arm, but some kinds of blows lead to certain types of fractures. For example, you encounter a fall while your arm is outstretched, which leads to a mid-shaft or proximal kind of fracture. A more powerful impact like an accident can cause the distal type of fracture. Fractures in the Humerus can also be pathological due to some conditions (like osteoporosis, bone cancer, cysts, tumours or infection) that weaken the bones and make people more susceptible to serious injuries that result from pretty low impacts.
Treatment of the Fractures
Treatment of Humerus fractures depends upon the type of fracture that’s occurred. The doctor usually takes out an X-ray of the arm to find out the kind of fracture and whether there are loose fragments or not.
Generally, the mid-shaft and proximal types don’t require surgery because the bone remains close together, making it easier for the bone to heal by itself over a while. The only thing you need to do is wear a splint or sling over your arm for a certain time to help stabilize the bone and avoid jerks in the shoulder region. Very seldom, there’s need for a surgery that requires screws, plates or rods, or even prosthesis if the shoulder joint is replaced. Surgeries are usually required in distal fractures and some severe cases of the former two. They are done with either, pin and screws, or bone grafting. Pins, plates, screws and other orthopedic implants and instruments are used to keep the broken pieces of the bone in place in case of an open surgery where part of the bone is sticking out of your arm. Grafting is used if part of the bone is lost or has been poorly crushed. The surgeon uses a piece of another bone (from some other part of the patient’s or donor’s body) to piece together the Humerus. Orthopedic locking plate suppliers are a great help with these processes.
Physical therapy should be an essential follow-up for all patients with a Humerus fracture, whether they have encountered surgery or not. It helps strengthen arm muscles and gain fluidity of motion through exercises and movements.