What are the precautions taken before opting for orthopaedic surgical implants ?

With the advancement in medical science and technologies used in treatments, it is quite important for people to take the required precautions involved in the surgery as it can be dangerous for one to not understand the procedure and hence, no precaution could also lead to a failed surgery. With the advancement in technology a number of instruments are also being manufactured. These instruments are made up of titanium which is dissolved once the fusion occurs. A number of orthopaedic surgical instruments and orthopaedic bone screws distributor are emerging and also provide titanium bone plates that are required for the surgery. We have curated a list of precautions that one must take before opting for orthopaedic surgical implants.

Precautions to take before opting for orthopaedic surgical implants
  • Consult your surgeonAlways talk to your surgeon before your surgery to get a better idea about the implants that are being used in the surgery and the process involved. This will help you to gain confidence in your surgeon. Also, ask your surgeon to test you for metal allergy in order to make sure that the implants are suitable for your body and skin.
  • Make sure to use quality implantsThis is a really important precaution one must take before going for the surgery as it can be dangerous to not use a good quality implant as it can cause problem post surgery.
  • Take proper restIt is really important to take proper rest after such a big surgery which includes implantation of metal inside your body and hence, can be really exhausting for you if not taken proper rest.
  • Try to use same metal for rods and screwsIt can be dangerous to not use screws and rods of same material on the same bone even of the metal is corrosion or rust proof and can be a problem afterwards.
  • Go for biodegradable implantsIn order to ensure proper dissolution of the implants one must ensure that the metals used in the making of implants are biodegradable and hence, can be easily dissolved after fusion.

One must consider and take some precautions that their surgeons advise them to take and also take proper medicines to ensure timely healing as the implants will dissolves in a certain time and hence, can be dangerous to not take proper medication and rest as prescribed by the surgeon.


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4 Uses of locking plates in Orthopaedic Surgery

The orthopedic locking plates have become an integral part of orthopedic and traumatology surgeon’s arsenal. They are widely used in osteosynthesis techniques. These revolutionary tools act as an external fixator without undergoing the risk of sepsis. Before the advent of locking plates, surgeons used locking screws for fixating a compound fracture, where there were higher chances of infection.

There are two types of locking plates current available from the orthopedic locking plate suppliers-fixed-angle and variable-angle locking plates. The first type does not offer any freedom of movement. The variable-angle plates allow a specific angle of clearance within the range of 1-15° This shift from the nails to the plate is a remarkable change in the field of Orthopedics. Today there is a vast demand for bone locking screw suppliers for the constant supply of these plates in different hospitals and medical colleges. Continue reading to know more about the advantages of using the locking plates in orthopedic procedures.

1. No Requirement of Intimate Contact with the Underlying Bones

The conventional screw which previously used in providing stability to the fracture segments had to undergo precise adaptation with the underlying bone. This thing is no longer a criterion in case of locking plates. Here, there is no intimate contact between the locking plate and the underlying bones in all the areas, so after the tightening of the plate, it does not compress the bone to the plate. There is a better chance of the success in the fixation of compound fracture when the doctor uses locking plates instead of a screw.

2. No Disruption of Underlying Cortical Bone

The second advantage of using the locking plate system is, they do not cause much disruption in the underlying cortical bone perfusion.

3. No Chances of Screw Loosening from Plate

Another significant advantage of using the locking plate is there is little chance of the screw loosening from the plate, even if the doctor inserts them in the fracture gap. It also remains true when the doctor uses a bone graft for treating the fracture.

4. Stable Fixation

The locking plates provide a more stable fixation than the conventional screws. There are fewer reports of inflammatory response or formation of infection on the underlying bone.

So, these were, in brief, the different advantages of using orthopedic locking plate for the fixation of the compound fracture. The modern orthopedic surgeons now largely depend on them for treating complex cases of osteosynthesis, which may even require the use of bone graft.


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External Fixators Advantages and Disadvantages

Orthopedists look for the most efficient and reliable supplier of external fixators, as they want to ensure their patients get the best possible treatment for a fracture. An external fixator is used primarily to stabilize the broken bone and the surrounding soft tissue.

LoThe fixator is fixed using a surgical procedure with the aim to provide unhindered access to the damaged and broken musculosketal tissues not just for the initial assessment, but also for secondary intervention so that the bone gets repaired and soft tissues cover the repaired fracture.

An orthopedic instrument supplier will inform you that external fixators are an alternative to internal fixators, which are placed inside the patient’s body to provide stability to the fractured bone. Usually, orthopedists opt for external fixators when the internal ones are contraindicated. They are primarily used to treat open fractures. These fixators are made from pins and wires that are connected to bars and rings with the help of clamps. They exert compression, distraction or neutral force on the affected bone.

Advantages of External Fixators

These are the pros of using external fixators:

  • Minimal loss of blood during installation
  • Simple and easy application
  • Can be adjusted with ease after the surgery
  • Provides easy access to manage and care for the wounds
  • Aids in healing of fractures when coupled with exerting weight on the affected bone
Disadvantages of External Fixators

Here are some of the cons of using external fixators that you should be aware of:

  • It puts anatomic structures at risk
  • Can lead to infection of the sites where the pins and wires enter the body
  • Can cause joint contractures
  • Extends the time of bone healing

Besides repairing bone fractures, external fixators are also used to lengthen limbs in people with short limbs. In a majority of cases, it is used for lengthening legs, wherein the femur, or the thigh bone, is cut in a surgical procedure and external fixtors are positioned on either side of the fracture to push the two ends of the bone apart in a gradual procedure. The gap gets filled by bone, which grows into the vacant space.

When used repair a fracture, an external fixator is positioned for several weeks, sometimes even months. Usually, fractures heal within six to 12 weeks, but if the fracture is complicated, the healing process can take longer.


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