What are the orthopedic surgical instruments used for the internal fixation of fractures?

If you’ve ever had a fracture, you’d know how much suffering it causes. Bone fracture is something that cannot be left untreated. Also, it is essential to take proper treatment when you fracture any of your bones. Until recently, surgeons relied on casts to support and stabilize the fractured bones from outside the body. But this procedure had its limitations. Now surgeons have found an alternate way to stabilize broken bones from inside the human body. This is done through the use of surgical procedures.

Surgical procedures have several benefits over the traditional methods that use casts.

During surgical procedures, broken bone fragments are held together and brought in an alignment. They are then joined together using implants, nails, orthopedic bone screws, etc. Therefore suppliers of external fixators have moved towards selling internal implants. When you choose internal fixation, your stay period in the hospital reduces to a great extent, and there are fewer chances of malunion or non-union of fractured bones.

The materials that are generally used for implants are made of stainless steel or titanium. This is because of the strength and durability of these materials. Another benefit of using these implants is that they are compatible with the human body and rarely cause any allergic reactions.

Here’s a list of few surgical instruments that are used for the internal fixation of fractures.

  1. Orthopedic locking plate – Plates are just another version of splints. They work by holding the broken bones together. They are attached to the fractured bone with the help of screws. An orthopedic locking plate can be left in place even after healing has taken place, or it can also be removed in some cases.
  2. Orthopedic bone screws – Screws are the most commonly used surgical instruments in treating a fracture. Though simple in function, orthopedic bone screws are available in a wide variety of designs. Screws can be used alone to hold broken bones in place, or they can be used to support plates and rods.
  3. Nails or rods – Some fractures are of the kind where it is not possible to use screws or plates. They require rods or pins to be inserted inside to hold the broken bones in place. This method is generally used to treat fractures of long bones like the femur.
  4. Wires and pins – When bones are tiny, they cannot be fixed using screws. Surgeons use wires to hold tiny bones in place. Wires are often used along with other implants, but they can also be used standalone. Usually, wires are removed from the bones after a certain period, but they can be left inside also.

While internal fixation has several benefits, there are some drawbacks too. Some of these include infections, damage to muscles and nerves, or bacterial colonization of the bone.

Suppliers of external fixators will always be present in the market, and external fixation is still there to stay.


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What are posterior cervical implants used in spine surgery ?

Cervical implants are getting really common these days. The surgery is quite simple and successful. With the growing technology the cervical implants sued in spine are also advanced in technology. The implantation of these devices can be implanted either from the front which is known as anterior or back of the spin known as posterior surgery. A number of Cervical Implants Suppliers ae emerging in the markets, which also includes spine instruments suppliers and orthopaedic implants and instruments are quite successful as well. But before we implant any device in our body, we must have some knowledge about the surgery and the implantation. So, in order to prepare you we have compiled a useful and informative article for you. Keep reading to know more.

Posterior cervical implants used in spine surgery

The goals of posterior cervical implants are to provide better stability and also helps in reducing pressure from the spine. It also helps in improving the cervical spine alignment which in turn helps in better healing and solid fusion. Following implantations are used in posterior cervical surgery of spine.

  • ClampsThese were used in old times and are rarely used now. The process involves implantation of clamps over the tops of lamina which helps in holding the muscles and bone together to provide better stability.
  • Rods and screwsThis method is used often these days when required by surgeons. The procedure involves a rod and screws which are made up of material that dissolves slowly until the fusion occurs and hence, screws are first place and then the rod is placed to hold onto the lamina in position.
  • WiresThis method is also popular as it is really easy and effective. The wires preferably made up of titanium are wrapped around the lamina which holds the spine in place.
  • HooksThese are rarely used in today’s time and hence, are not much popular now. A rod is place and hooks are attached to it which then holds the lamina together and hence, provides support till fusion occurs.

In order to understand the process involved in the surgery and the implantations being used in it. The doctor’s advice posterior cervical implantations in spine surgery as it is more successful, and the time involved in the dissolution of the implantations is quite fast and comfortable as well which helps in better recovery and fusion.


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How Orthopedic Locking Plates Will Make Surgical Life Easier

Orthopedic locking plates are sometimes also called locking compression plates. They are made by using a combination of locking screw and the traditional plating technology. These plates have plates along with screws. The primary aim behind using screws is to fix the plates where they need to be without any chances of failure. With screws present within them, these plates do not get loose and fall apart.

Orthopedic locking plate supplier sells and bone locking screw suppliers these plates in different types of materials like aluminum and titanium. They are also available in stainless steel. It is important to note here that the plates and screws should be made of the same material, else they will destroy the implants. Titanium plate for bone fracture is quite popular among them.When are they used?

Bone plates are used to treat fractures. They are fixed on both sides of the rupture with the help of screws. These days, it is quite common to use plates when there is no other way to treat a bone fracture. Each human body and its requirement is different from others. Therefore, it is essential that your doctor chooses the right kind of plate suitable for your skeletal structure.

One of the primary reasons for using locking plates is to enhance the performance of the plate and bones. This means that if appropriately connected, locking plates can improve healing of the bones quite significantly. In traditional plating, there were more chances of failure when the weight of the patient increases that of the force between the bone and plate. This is not the case with locking plates. Here the plating will fail only when the weight of the patient exceeds the compressive strength of his bones.

In locking plates, the stability of the joint depends on the right angle at which the screw is fitted in the plates. The locking plate mechanism is quite tremendous and makes surgical procedures very easy for doctors.

For the plates to serve their purpose, it is essential that they should be of appropriate length and width, according to the bone for which they will be used. They should also have a symmetric hold over the fractured bone from both sides. When the plate is inserted, it should be made sure that it is neutralizing all the forces like bending, compression, etc. acting on the bone.Need to use locking plates

Surgeons feel the need to use locking plates when they want an accurate alignment of the bone that has been damaged. They also resort to the use of locking plates, when using screws is not sufficient to hold the joint in place and when they feel that the screws and plates together can only share the load of the bone.Ortho bone screw suppliers are in high demand because of this.

Locking plates are generally used for joints and also in the bone of the forearm. They are also used for the bones on the face and jaw and the pelvis.

The basic principle behind using these locking plates is that they can hold smaller bones with ease. They are not generally used for long bones like the femur, etc.


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Different Kinds of Modes for Bone Plating

Bone plates are an important aspect of the process involving internal fixation of fractures and are now widely used for various orthopaedic surgical procedures. They are used with different standard techniques throughout the body wherein different body parts demand different shapes and sizes of orthopaedic locking plate which are supplied by renowned orthopaedic locking plate suppliers. Here are different kinds of modes for bone plating that you must know about: –

Kinds of Modes of Bone Plating
  • Compression ModeTwo types of compression plate have been evolved. One employs an axially oriented force produced by a separate screw or temporarily applied compression device, designed just for this purpose, as originated by Danis in 1949. The other, devised by me in 1956, is a so-called self-compressing plate, which generates compression force by inserting eccentrically placed chamfered screw-heads into slots in the plate so that the screws.
  • Neutralization ModeIn this mode the lag screw is inserted separately from the plate and is an interfragmentary screw. Neutralization plates does not refer to a particular type of plate. By definition neutralization refers as to how a plate functions when a fracture is fixed.
  • Buttress plateButtress plates hold in place the fractures at the end of long bones in a rigid manner. They are used especially at the knee and ankle, where the fracture site experiences distorting forces.
  • Antiglide plateIt is the one-third tubular plate, which is placed posterolateral on the fibula in an antiglide position, indirectly reduces the fracture and acts as a buttress to resist the posterior and proximal displacement of the distal fragment.
  • Bridge plating or span platingBiological bridge plating uses the plate as an extramedullary splint fixed to the two main fragments. The complex fracture zone is virtually left untouched; however, it is bridged by the plate. Length, alignment, and rotation are restored, but anatomical reduction of each fragment is not attempted.

The bone plates have to be strong enough as it carries the load of the body upon themselves. That is why a fractured portion needs an urgent solution by the means of bone plating. A plate-to-bone distance of 2 mm had the advantages of reducing axial stiffness and providing nearly parallel interfragmentary motion. The plate flush to the bone prohibits the dynamic function of the far cortical locking mechanism, and the 4-mm offset was too unstable for fracture healing.


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Let’s Learn About Orthopaedic Nail Removal Procedures

Accidents are a harsh reality of life and no matter how much you try to avoid one, there are always chances of you suffering from one. Thankfully, there are latest equipment and techniques available to help you recover fast from your injury. One of the important equipment used in Orthopaedic surgeries are Orthopaedic nails. After the injury has healed completely, these nails are removed. Intramedullary nailing is the treatment of choice for fractures of the tibial shaft, which might necessitate the nail removal due to complications in the long-term. Although considered as a low-risk procedure, intramedullary nail removal is also associated with certain complications.

Let’s learn about Orthopaedic nail removal procedures: –

  • Relative StabilityIntramedullary Nails: Currently, nails are generally reamed and locked to give better rotational stability (interlocking) and increased stability due to the ability to use larger nails offered by Orthopaedic Nail Supplier. Non reamed, nonlocked nails are still used for some fracture types (femur fractures) and are provided by Interlocking Nail Suppliers.
  • Bridge PlatingBridge Plating combines appropriate mechanical stability with natural fracture. The Plate acts as an extramedullary splint fixed to the two main fracture fragments, while the fracture zone is left relatively untouched.
  • External FixationIn this process, a device is kept outside of the skin in order to stabilize the bone fragments through wires or pins connected to longitudinal bars or tubes.It has its own advantages as well as disadvantages.The complicated process.
    • Implant failuresPlastic deformation of the IM rod generally happens with nails that are less than 10 mm in diameter
    • Nail removalIf inner diameter of nail is threaded, a cone shaped universal extractor is used in order to lock on to the nail, allowing its removal.
    • ShorteningIt often occurs due to dynamic interlocking with respect to excessive post with the bearing.

Results confirm that multiple factors related to patients and primary cancer may affect survival rate after femoral fracture. Intramedullary nailing should be indicated for pathologic fractures at femoral diaphysis and metaphysis when cancer is in an advanced stage. This procedure offers good and durable stability, and enables pain relief, early postoperative mobilisation and weight-bearing, thus improving the quality of life of cancer patients.


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