Overview of Intramedullary Nails for the Treatment of Fractures

Intramedullary Nails, also known as Intramedullary rod, are very useful for treating fractures. They are used for treatment but forcing them into bones’ medullary cavity.

Intramedullary bones are used for stabilizing long bone fractures and internal struts. These devices are better positioned. As a result, they have better capability to resist multidirectional bending. Also, it is advisable to get the equipment from the best orthopedic nail supplier.

Intramedullary Nails are available in various shapes. From diamond-shaped to cloverleaf and slotted cylinder shape, there are several options.

Fractures and bones where Intramedullary nailing is most successfully done

  • In tibia and femur, this nailing procedure is most successfully done. Fractures that are best treated with Intramedullary nailing are –
  • Short oblique and traverse fractures of the femoral and tibial shaft are best treated with an Intramedullary nailing procedure.
  • In tibia and femur, comminuted fractures can be treated with an Intramedullary nailing process.
  • This type of treatment is also best for dealing with pathological fractures.
  • In the case of non-union or delayed of tibia or femur are treated with this nailing process.

But, this Intramedullary nailing system should be avoided in the case of children as they might affect the growth plate.

What are the benefits of an Intramedullary nailing procedure ?

  • When compared to screw and plate fixation, Intramedullary nailing procedure is much more advantageous biomechanically.
  • Intramedullary Nails are much less vulnerable to failure related to fatigue. This is because they are subjected to much less bending load.
  • Another benefit of Intramedullary nailing is that they act as a load-sharing device for the fracture. For this reason, get in touch with the best orthopedic instrument supplier.
  • Fractures that are treated with Intramedullary nailing don’t associate with stress shielding that is typically treated with screws and plates.
  • Intramedullary devices are also beneficial as they don’t require refracture after the removal of the implant.
  • Another significant advantage of an Intramedullary Nail is that extensile exposure is not always required.

So, these are the first advantages of using an Intramedullary nailing producer for fracture treatment.

Points to remember after undergoing Intramedullary nail procedure –

First and foremost, a patient undergoing this surgery might feel his or her legs numb for 6 to 12 hours after the surgery. This happens when the patient is given a spinal injection. Also, after the surgery, the patient might experience slight numbness and pain for a few days. In addition to this, the leg might swell up. This symptom is also short term. Sometimes, in such cases, medications are also given to relieve the pain. So, one can see the usefulness of orthopedic bone screws.

Secondly, after the surgery, the patient is needed to walk. This helps by putting weight on the bone and by preventing the formation of blood clots. The process of putting pressure on the bone is called weight-bearing, and it essential to strengthen the bone. For the patient to walk without any difficulty, they are provided with crutches or any other walking device.

Also, another essential recovery step is deep breathing exercise. This helps in clearing the airway and helps in decreasing the chances of any lung infection.

Lastly, consulting a therapist is another crucial factor as it fastens the healing process by strengthening the muscles and making the joints flexible.

So, it is quite clear that the Intramedullary nail procedure is quite beneficial to a better healing process.


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3 Important things patients need to know about spinal fusion recovery

Spinal injuries and problems are quite common these days. And surgeries are the most effective treatment methods for these problems. Several surgical procedures can be carried out on people suffering from spinal problems. Spine implant suppliers supply good-quality implants for these surgeries. One such popular surgical procedure is fusion.

Fusion is a surgical procedure in which one of the segments of the spinal column, which needs surgery, is fitted with a bone graft. The bone graft is placed between two vertebrae to fuse them. This prevents any excessive motion of the spinal nerves and bones that can harm them. Cervical implants supplier have all the tools needed for fusion surgeries.

This surgery becomes inevitable when people have severe spinal abnormalities, and they experience severe pain. If you have a herniated disc, there are more chances that you will have to go for surgery if non-surgical procedures do not work. If you choose spinal fusion surgery, here are a few things you should know about the surgery and recovery.

1. Recovery time

Three to six months is the minimum time any patient could take to recover after the fusion surgery. This period also includes the time taken for physical therapy. The patient spends his first few days in the hospital trying to manage pain and learning to get out of bed on his own. The hospital staff takes proper care of the patient during this period. After discharge from the hospital, the patient will have time to recover at home. When at home, you will have to take care of your wounds and reintroduce various movements into your routine so that you can get back to normal. Once you can do basic body movements, you will have to train under a physical therapist. This therapy can continue for about three months for proper fusion recovery.

2. Avoid strain and heavy movements

Patients should not lift heavy items when they are in the recovery phase. This can harm the orthopedic locking plate. They have to exercise particular caution even while driving. The time after which patients can return to extreme physical activity and sports depends from person to person. You should talk to your surgeon about this.

3. Maintain a healthy diet

Your healing and recovery depend on your diet to a great extent. Since spinal surgeries involve your bones, you should try and increase the intake of calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals in your food. While you are eating healthy, try and avoid unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. These habits can delay bone grafts to fuse correctly.

The total time taken for recovery varies from one patient to another and depends on several external and bodily factors. Age, weight, diet, lifestyle, and other habits also play a crucial role in determining the time taken for the full recovery of a patient. You should always consult expert orthopedics before deciding your recovery process.


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Cannulated Screws: Its Specification and Uses

Cannulated screws can be both cancellous and cortical. Generally, a Cannulated screw has a hollow central shaft. Those cannulated screws that are cancellous are mainly utilized for metaphyseal fractures. On the other hand, cannulated screws that are cortical, are used in the form of lag screws to fix diaphyseal fractures. Also, it is recommended to get the best cancellous bone screw.

One of the most significant advantages of using cannulated screws is that they are inserted with the help of a guide pin or guidewire. This guide pin is much small in diameter than the cannulated screw. As a result, it can be inserted several times for an accurate and perfect placement if needed. In this way, less damage is done on the bone.

One typical example of a cannulated screw is the Knowles screw, which is cancellous. This Knowles screw is used to fix slipped femoral epiphysis in kids. In addition to this, an orthopedic locking plate is also good.

The Cannulated screw system is utilized for fixing fractures, osteotomies of both small and large bones, and fusions. One of the best things about Cannulated Screws is that every screw is either fully or partially threaded with the utilization of a cancellous threaded form.

Those Cannulated screws that are partially threaded are utilized to lag one bone part to another part. In this process, the fragment of the bone is captured by the screw threads. After that, it is pulled towards the cortex fragment, which is on the screw’s head side. In the case of fully threaded screws, they are utilized for stabilizing fractures with almost no use of compression over the fracture.

Another great advantage of using cannulated screws is that they allow minimally invasive percutaneous insertion. Also, we will find the usage of the cannulated screw system in the foot, hip, pelvis, ankle, and knee.

Now, let’s dig deeper into,

What are the featured of the cannulated screw system?

A Cannulated screw is designed in such a way that it is minimally invasive. This type of design reduces the period of hospital stay and is cost-effective. It is particularly helpful for tibial plateau fracture as it assists in early mobilization.

The cannulated screw system is a traditional approach to the management of fracture. Also, it provides higher-cost options with equal outcomes clinically.

Cannulated screws are used to reduce irritation on soft tissue.

It is also helpful regarding removing screws that are partially threaded.Lastly, cannulated screws can also eliminate the tapping option in most cases as it designed to facilitate insertion.

Types of cannulated screws and their applications –

1. Cannulated screws 4.0 mmThis type of cannulated screws are used for treating fractures are medial malleolar and posterior malleolar. It is essential to get it from the best bone locking screw suppliers.

2. Cannulated screws 6.5 mm

A Cannulated screw of this kind is used for treating head and femoral neck fracture. Apart from this, it also helps in treating ankle arthrodesis, triple arthrodesis, and subtalar arthrodesis.

3. Cannulated screws 7.3 mm

It is used to treat an acetabular fracture, calcaneal fracture, and so on.


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Brief About Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery

One of the best and successful modern forms of the orthopedic surgical method is Hip replacement surgery. It is an advanced procedure that uses the latest biomaterials. Due to the use of these biomaterials, this form of surgery lasts well. Also, this procedure requires the best instruments from excellent hip replacement surgery implants suppliers.

Let’s shed some light on,

What are the primary factors that a patient should know about minimally invasive surgery for a hip replacement?

First and foremost, a patient, going through minimally invasive hip replacement surgery, is given proper knowledge on the benefits and risks of undergoing this surgery. After that, the doctors and the patient determine if the procedure is right for the patient or not.

In the case of other kinds of surgeries, a patient feels discomfort and different types of altered emotions. Also, a recovery period is needed. In the case of minimally invasive surgery for hip replacement, all these factors can be reduced, but most certainly, they cannot be eliminated. This form of surgery is not risk-free. Some of the common risk factors associated with minimally invasive surgery for hip replacement are –

  • Infection
  • Injury of nerves
  • Formation of deep blood clots

Therefore, before going through minimally invasive hip replacement surgery, the patient must be aware of all these factors.

Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hip replacement generally means that a big operation is being performed through a small incision. As a result of which, the physical appearance of the scar is small I size. Surgeons who perform at least 100 hip replacement surgery annually are considered to be most suited for performing minimally invasive hip replacement surgery. A surgeon of high caliber uses special instruments for shortening the incision size of a hip replacement to around 4 inches from the standard size of 8 to 12 inches. Another advantageous factor of going through minimally invasive hip replacement surgery is that a patient only has to spend around two days in the hospital.

To perform the minimally invasive surgery for hip replacement, the most common method that is used is called the MIS-2-incision hip replacement. To perform this procedure, the fundamental requirements are –

  1. Fluoroscopic and implants guidance
  2. Special instruments like orthopedic implants and devices

Some beneficial factors of this form of the procedure are, it helps in reducing after surgery pain, the patient can start walking early and also the recovery time of short.

Now, moving on,

What are the potential benefits of surgery for a minimally invasive hip replacement?

The minimally invasive hip replacement surgery had several benefits, and some of them are mentioned below –

The incision is small in size –

Typically, a traditional hip replacement surgery is operated through a single incision of around 8 to 12 inches. But in the case of minimally invasive hip replacement surgery, the incision size is around 4-6 inches.

Less chance of blood loss –

Since, in this form of surgery, the incision size of small, so there is a lesser chance of cutting tissues. As a result, the chances of blood loss is reduced.

The postoperative pain is less –

The best part of this type of procedure is that the patient suffers a lot less postoperative pain. This is because while operating through a small incision, the adjacent healthy tissues less injured. Also, to perform this form of surgery, doctors use instruments from best bone locking screw suppliers.

Short hospital stays and speedy recovery –

Patients undergoing minimally invasive hip replacement surgery are do not have to stay at the hospital for long because of a faster healing process. So, these are the advantages of minimally invasive hip replacement surgery. But, before undergoing this type of procedure, it is ideal to consult with doctors about the pros and cons. The main reason behind it is, this type of surgery is not suitable for all.


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Do Titanium Plates & Screws Need to be Removed From The Bone After a Fracture Has Mended?

Traditionally, casts and splints were used for treating fractured bones. This was an external fixation method to treat a fracture. There were several problems of using this method which resulted in non-union or malunion of the broken bones.

To overcome these shortcomings, surgeons devised internal fixation methods. These methods use surgical procedures to treat broken bones. It has become a common thing nowadays to use metal fixtures inside the bones to join them. These internal fixtures are also used to support and stabilize the broken surfaces or joints. Some of the most commonly used instruments are titanium plate for bone fracture, nails, titanium bone screws, and rods.

Using metal plates and screws has its advantages. They not only stabilize the joint but also quickens the healing process. The final results achieved using internal fixtures are way better than those obtained through the use of external fixtures. One of the main roles of hardware like plates, screws, and rods is to stabilize the injured part and hold the broken bones in the correct position.

For ordinary people, it takes around six weeks to heal any injury in the upper limbs and about 12 weeks to heal any damage of the lower limbs. While this is the average healing time, sometimes, it can take longer than this depending on the injury.

Once the bones are healed, the work of implants is completed. The titanium bone screws then need to be removed as they are no longer required.

But recent surgeries have established that it is not always necessary to remove the implants and hardware. Over time, surgeons have realized that removing the device once the injury is healed can cause some complications over the long term. Removal of device can cause some severe injuries like damage to nerves or nearby tissues. Any nerve injury can be worse than the original bone fracture.

Also, it was observed that even when the hardware was left inside the bone, it didn’t cause any harm to the human body. Instead, it was found safe not to remove the equipment. Therefore, surgeons began resorting to not removing the titanium plate for bone fracture even when the injury has healed. In some people, the presence of hardware can lead to irritation in the surrounding tissues and cause discomfort. However, the presence of the device is not the sole reason for discomfort. Your surgeon should remove the hardware only when he is sure of the fact that the pain is being caused by hardware.

It is also a common practice to remove the hardware in children and teenagers. If you are an active athlete, your doctor will remove the metal hardware once the injury has healed. This is because regular physical activity can cause more fractures. When you are getting yourself treated, make sure that the hardware is being sourced from trusted ortho bone screw suppliers.

It is always preferable to consult your doctor before deciding on anything regarding the removal of metal hardware


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